应该避免使用的花言巧语 人体百分之九十都是水,我现在真的很口渴。 The human body is 90 percent water,and I'm real thirsty. 你是要我给你买杯酒呢还是只想要钱? Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money? 瞧你这身鬃毛,你准是头狮子吧。 With a mane like that you must be a Leo. 你裤子里有镜子吗?因为我可以在你裤子中看到我自己。 Do you have a mirror in your pants?Because I can see myself in them. 你的双腿疲倦吗?因为你整夜都在我的梦中奔跑。 Are your legs tired?Because you have been running through my dreams all night. 你父亲准是小偷,从天上偷来了星星,将它们安在了你的眼睛中。 Is your father a thief?He has stolen the stars from the sky and PUt them in your eyes. 你没事吧?从天而降准花了不少时间吧。 Are you okay?It must have been a long fall from heaven. 我真的非常喜欢你那身装束。在我的床脚被揉皱后肯定会更好看。 I really like that outfit.It would look great crumpled at the end of my bed. 你早餐想吃什么?哦,太好了,我恰好有。 What do you like to eat for breakfast?Oh good,I have that. 我知道人们说牛奶对人体有益,可你究竟喝了多少? I know they say milk does a body good—but damn,how much have you been drinking? 你是合法的吗? So,are you legal? 我有有线电视。 I have cable TV. 如果我说你身材苗条,你会用它搂着我吗? If I told you that you have a lovely body,would you hold it against me? 刚才是太阳出来了还是你在朝我微笑? Did the sun just come out or did you smile at me? 究竟是这地方热呢还是因为有你在这里? Is it hot in here,or is it just you? 你相信一见钟情呢还是我得再从你身旁经过一次? Do you believe in love at first sight or do I have to walk by you again? 嗨,我电话号码丢了……能把你的给我吗? Hey,I lost my phone number……can I have yours? 如果你是麦当劳的一个汉堡包,我一定会叫你“麦当美人”。 If you were a burger at McDonald's,I'd call you McBeautiful. 你好,我叫_______________,不过你今晚可以叫我_____________。 Hi,my name's_____________.But you can call me_____________tonight. 难怪今天的天空灰蒙蒙的,所有的蓝色都在你的眼睛里。 No wonder the sky's gray today—all the blue is in your eyes. 你叫什么?不然我是否得叫你“我的人”? What's your name?Or shall I just call you mine? 如果我可以重新排列字母顺序,我一定会将U(你)和I(我)排在一起。 If I could rearrange the alphabet,I'd put U and I to-gether. 看看你身上有那么多的曲线(弯道),而我连刹车都没有! Look at you with all those curves and me with no brakes! 虽说我不是摇滚明星,却可以让你的床摇晃起来! I may not be Fred Flintstone/Wilma Flintstone,but I can sure make your bed rock! 你有葡萄干吗?没有?那么枣子(约会)呢? Do you have any raisins?No?How about a date? 你有创口贴吗?因为我为你而倾倒时蹭破了膝盖。 Do you have a Band-Aid?'Cause I skinned my knee when I fell for you. 能不能让我给你拍一张照?我好告诉圣诞老人我想要什么圣诞礼物。 Can I have a picture of you so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas? 我的床坏了,我可以睡到你床上吗? My bed is broken.Can I sleep in yours? 我今晚感觉不好,可以感觉一下你吗? I'm not feeling myself tonight.Can I feel you? 我叫____________。一定要记住;你以后会尖叫这个名字的。 My name is____________.Remember that;you'll be screaming it later. 那是你长筒丝袜上的抽丝呢还是通向天堂的楼梯? Is that a ladder in your stockings or the stairway to heaven? 我可能不是这里最英俊的男人/好看的姑娘,但我是惟一和你聊天的人。 I may not be the best looking guy/girl in here,but I'm the only one talking to you. (舔湿手指,在他/她的衬衣上擦拭)我们去把你身上这湿衣服脱了。 (Lick finger and wipe on his/her shirt.)Let's get you out of these wet clothes. |