

2016-02-29 01:59   239883   0
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Style: Smile again for me. 给我笑一个

Woman: Um, okay. 嗯,好的

Style (to wing): See, she's a U. (对同僚说)看啊,她是U型笑容

Woman: (look of PUzzlement) (看上去很迷惑)

Style: I dated a girl who wanted to be a pop star. And she had a theory that people with U-shaped smiles were perceived as unfriendly. And people with C-shaped smiles were perceived as friendly. 以前曾和我约会的一个女孩有这么一个理论,说U型笑容容易被理解为不友好而C型笑容责备理解为比较亲和。

Woman: So what's a U then? 那到底什么事U型笑容呢?

Style: A U is when your teeth go straight back in your mouth and only a few teeth show in front. A C is when there's a big row of pearly whites in the front. A型笑容指的是你的牙齿往里长,前面只露几颗牙齿。C型笑容指的是一大部分亮白的牙齿都露在前面。

Woman: Um, okay. 嗯,好吧。

Style: I know. I don't really believe it, but to my ex, it was more than a theory. She actually got her teeth surgically reshaped from a U to a C. She had to get her jaw broken in three places. Can you believe it? 我明白,我自己也不怎么相信。但对我前女友来说,它的意义更大于一个理论。她特别做了手术把牙齿整成了C型笑容,而且手术需要把下巴三处地方打碎。你能相信么?

Woman: Ewwww. That's crazy. 呦。。那太疯狂了。

Style: And she had me go look at pictures of like Christina Aguilera, who is a U, and Britney Spears, who is a C. And she said that'swhy Christina is always seen as the bad girl while Britney's usually seen as the good one.Look at the cover of "US" or any magazine, and you'll see that it's always a C smile on the cover. (Note: In light of current events, you maywant to change the Britney Spears example of a friendly C to Jessica Simpson.) 而且她还让我看那些拥有U型笑容的明星照片,像克里斯提那,和拥有C型笑容的像布兰妮。她还说这就是为什么克莉丝汀那为什么老被认为是坏女孩,而布兰妮总是被认为是好女孩的原因。看看像US或是别的杂志封面,模特总是拥有C型笑容。(现在来讲C型笑容的典范可以改成Jessica Simpson,可能是因为布兰妮丑了的原因吧)

From here, you two can inspect the teeth of her friends or of random strangers looking for the perfect C or U. If you want to drag it out, here's a little joke courtesy of a PUA from The Game named Nightlight9. 谈到这里为止,你就可以谈谈她的朋友或者旁边的女孩是否具有完美的C型笑容。如果你想更加深入的谈论这些女孩,以下是在把妹达人里我提到的一个PUA Nightlight9所运用的谈话。

Nightlight9: She was from LA, and you have to be careful with them. Whenever you go out with girls in LA, everything can be really fake. Fake hair (point to your head), fake eyes (point to eyes), fake nose (point to nose), fake teeth (point to teeth), fake breasts (cup your breasts). You have to take them to the doctor first to find out which parts are real. They put them through a machine, and you get a long print-out at the end.她从洛杉矶来的,你得小心她们。你在洛杉矶和别的女孩出去玩时,任何东西都可能是假的。假发(指着她的头),假眼睛(指着你的头),假鼻子(指着你的鼻子),假牙齿(指着你的牙齿),人造胸(罩着你的胸部)。你得把他们带到医生那儿才能知道那个才是真的。她们把自己放到机器里面,最后你得到了一个硕大的打印品。

Then you can decide whether you want to date them or not. Lisa still hasn't forgiven me for saying she had a U-shaped smile. :-) Anyway, use and enjoy. And if you're a woman reading this, of course it would never work on you. 然后你就可以决定是否要约会她们。Lisa因为我说她是U型笑容至今没有原谅我 :-) 总之好好运用这些技巧并享受它的乐趣吧。

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