理论家 发表于 2016-2-29 14:26:56


5 Common (But Very Stupid) Mistakes Guys Make When Texting Girls
I get guys emailing me all the time saying “Dude I need some help texting girls” or “Man, I got this girls number but she hasn’t text me back… what should I do?”.
有人发邮件问我:“兄弟,我需要一些给女孩发信息的技巧帮助” 或者“老兄,我拿到了女孩的号码,但是她没有回信息给我...我该怎么办呢?”
So I’ve got a two part answer for those guys who send me those VERY common questions…

1. Stop over analysing text messages, they are not as important as what you do and say when you’re in person. Text messages are great for flirting and staying in contact, but for the most part guys read into them way too much.
2. Stop making the same mistakes you’ve been making all these years. Take a step back for a moment and just think why she might not be texting you back… maybe you didn’t build enough comfort and rapport? Maybe you didn’t escalate when you were supposed to so she got the impression you were just friends? It could be anything.
So today I want to run through the common mistakes that I see and hear guys making when it comes to texting girls.
Once you understand what they are, then you can work on trying to never make them again.
Mistake 1: You ooze neediness
LOLing at lame jokes, insisting on pointless chit chat just to keep the texts going and asking her when she wants to meet up next all convey one deadly attraction killer.
If you play the text game like you’re her friend, she’ll put you right in that cozy friend zone, where you’ve spent soooo many years before.
Stop being needy with her!

Mistake 2: You bombard her with questions
Do you really give a shit if she had a good day at work? No of course not, you care about when you’re going to get her over to yours so you can jump her bones.
So stop with the integration already. No more questions. Only make statements and suggestion about her that will raise curiosity.
Mistake 3: You’re predictable (like all the others)
She’s heard it all before, the “Hey cutie, how’s it going? x” to the “Wassup missy, are you free this Friday? x” so you’re going to be just as boring as the next guy.
Throw some fire into the mix and call her out a little, make the texts more exciting so that she smiles when she reads them and doesn’t dread when you’re name comes up on the screen.
Mistake 4: You leave it too long
When you get the number… text her right away! No stupid 2 day rules you read on a forum somewhere, just text her that day.
If you leave it a few days, there’s a chance she’ll forget who you are (depending on how the interaction went) so it’s best to keep things fresh in her mind.
Mistake 5: You don’t inject humour
Come on dude, you know that women like to laugh so why are you being lame in your texts? Banter with her, talk about funny stuff you see during the day, send her photos that you find funny (but not creepy).
If you can make her laugh, then you’re halfway there to getting in her panties.
Boom! There you have it, easy mistakes we’ve all made in the past that you need to work on NOT making again.
Text game is pretty simple, the aim is to keep the attraction going… touch on the rapport and connection you both had when you met in person and use it as a tool to set up the next date. Done.

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查看完整版本: 给女孩发信息时所犯的五个普遍又愚蠢的错误