谈话蓝图 发表于 2016-2-19 20:07:15

实践诱惑的关键三点(The 3 steps to LOCK IN Seduction mastery)

实践诱惑的关键三点(The 3 steps to LOCK IN Seduction mastery)

1)集中注意力...在你那些缺少的东西上。(FOCUS... on what you lack FIRST)    2)2)集 中 注 意 力 ... 在 那 些 你 接 下 来 可 能 拥 有 的 东 西 上 。( Focus on what you can have NEXT)
3)注意力放在当下,活在当下,让内心的渴望来驱动你前进。(Let the momentum of that propel you forward as you focus on being in the MOMENT )
Close 也跟着发生了变化。
1)我要她们去关 注自己缺少的东西....( I want a woman to FOCUS on what she lacks first)
2)再让她们去关注,她们跟我在一起会得到什么...(FOCUS on what she can have with me NEXT)
3)然后让她们体会当下的情景,让渴望的能量推动引诱前进...(And then let the momentum of that propel the seduction forward as she focuses on being in the MOMENT)

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